Apache Lucene Indexer Search with CJKAnalyzer

Apache Lucene Indexer Search with CJKAnalyzer

I am using Apache lucene Indexer Search to search text, and I am using
CJKAnalyzer. It search provided word by character, It means
If I Search for Japanese word "ぁxまn" , then its showing all
the words which is having any character of the provided Japanese word.
But I dont want this I want search whole word or the
word which is having above mentioned word.

e.g. If I indexed 3 words. i.e "ぁxまn" , "ぁxま", "まn"

case 1 : If I search for "ぁxまn" then it should only give one result.
case 2 : If I search for "ぁx" then it should give two result.

Now In my case If I search for the word "ぁxまn" then its giving three results which is wrong.

------------------- Indexing code ---------------------------------

writer = getIndexWriter();
List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<>();
Document document1 = createDocument(1, "ぁxまn", "Richard");

private static Document createDocument(Integer id, String firstName, String lastName)
Document document = new Document();
document.add(new StringField("id", id.toString() , Field.Store.YES));
document.add(new TextField("firstName", firstName , Field.Store.YES));
document.add(new TextField("lastName", lastName , Field.Store.YES));
document.add(new TextField("website", website , Field.Store.YES));
return document;

private static IndexWriter createWriter() throws IOException
FSDirectory dir = FSDirectory.open(Paths.get(INDEX_DIR).toFile());
IndexWriterConfig config = new
IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_44,new CJKAnalyzer());
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, config);
return writer;

--------call to Search ------

TopDocs foundDocs2 = searchByFirstName("*ぁxまn*", searcher);
private static TopDocs searchByFirstName(String firstName, IndexSearcher searcher) throws Exception

MultiFieldQueryParser mqp = new MultiFieldQueryParser(new String{"firstName"}, new CJKAnalyzer());
Query q =mqp.parse(firstName);
TopDocs hits = searcher.search(q, 10);
return hits;

can you add your indexing code? what kind of fields do you use?
– dom
Jul 2 at 8:03

@dom I have added indexing code.
– OnkarG
Jul 3 at 4:18

alright and your search code? do you use the same analyzer for searching too?
– dom
Jul 3 at 6:59

@dom yes I am using same analyzer for searching.
– OnkarG
Jul 3 at 7:31

hmm two things: try to analyse your index with luke github.com/DmitryKey/luke . And why using a multifieldQueryParser?
– dom
Jul 3 at 7:36

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