Yii2 - UrlManager and params with hypens

Yii2 - UrlManager and params with hypens

I have the following URLs:


I want to get:


I am sending all requests to SiteController::actionIndex($slug), I am using Basic Application Template.


So far, I have been able to hide index.php and site/index.



'urlManager' => [
'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
'showScriptName' => false,
'rules' => [
'<slugw+>' => 'site/index',

But it seems w+ does not match strings with -. Also if slug is empty it should show: http://test.local/.




2 Answers

w does not match -. You need to use [w-] instead. And + requires at least one char in your case. You should use * instead:






'urlManager' => [
'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
'showScriptName' => false,
'rules' => [
'<slug:[w-]*>' => 'site/index',

thanks for your answer it worked. If I had: base=es&slug=blog/post-slug-slug? I tried to add the slash but it did not catch it, any suggestion?
– Eduardo
Jul 4 at 0:01

I think I found it: [w_/-]*
– Eduardo
Jul 4 at 4:43

What you are trying to make is make specific url based on GET param. With the following example if the user enters url test.local/Some-nice-article then the SiteController::actionIndex($slug) function will get the param.


'urlManager' => [
'pattern' => '<slug>',
'route' =>'site/index',
'ecnodeParams' => false,
//class => anycustomUrlRuleClass,
//defaults =>

Or you want another url to specify whether it is detailed view? You can do it this way:

'urlManager' => [
'pattern' => '<slug>-detail',
'route' =>'site/detail',
'ecnodeParams' => false,
//class => anycustomUrlRuleClass,
//defaults =>

In this example, if the users puts the string '-detail' at the of the slug, then it will parse the route SiteController::actionDetail($slug) to the request.


Please note that if you did not yet, enable prettyUrls in the config file

You can find a little more about this topic in this answer or in the Yii2 definitive guide

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