Spark ML: Issue in training after using ChiSqSelector for feature selection
Spark ML: Issue in training after using ChiSqSelector for feature selection
I'm new to spark. I am working on a classification model and want to use ChiSqSelector to choose the important features for model training. But, when I use the selected features by ChiSqSelector to train, it throws the following error:
"IllegalArgumentException: u'Feature 0 is marked as Nominal (categorical), but it does not have the number of values specified."
Interestingly, I got the above mentioned error when I used any of the tree based algorithms. For, Naive bias and logistic regression, I didn't get the error.
I found same result when I used the data provided in the sample code in spark documentation. The error could be reproduced by using the code from spark 2.1.1 documentation:
from import ChiSqSelector
from import Vectors
df = spark.createDataFrame([
(7, Vectors.dense([0.0, 0.0, 18.0, 1.0]), 1.0,),
(8, Vectors.dense([0.0, 1.0, 12.0, 0.0]), 0.0,),
(9, Vectors.dense([1.0, 0.0, 15.0, 0.1]), 0.0,)], ["id", "features",
selector = ChiSqSelector(numTopFeatures=2, featuresCol="features",
outputCol="selectedFeatures", labelCol="clicked")
result =
print("ChiSqSelector output with top %d features selected" %
from import DecisionTreeClassifier
dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(labelCol="clicked",
model =
Someone reported the problem at Apache Spark User List (following link) but nobody responded.
I would highly appreciate if someone sheds some light on it. Thanks in advance.
1 Answer
I met this problem, too. feature column SparseVector -> DenseVector can make it run
I don't know if there's a better way to do it
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